Dave Cull
5 O'clock news:

2nd Nov/89
Auckland, NZ

New Zealand
Milk Worker's Union
action escalates

the milk of industry
gets dumped 
in soak pits 
dug with front-end loaders

strikes, injunctions, bottom lines, 
and other modes of market economy data
clog the holes and funnels of the human interface

the milk of human kindness
poured behind the shed,
rots, finally

groundwater and the streams that rise in it
are dangerous to drink for miles

the eyes of Asia watch 
with curious attention

starving eyes in Africa,
not having access to a TV screen,
can only see it in the realm of mythic terrors

generated by attention to the air and water
and the seasons

any careful man would keep a weather-eye onas the planet lurches 
under excess weight.

Generator screaming
convoluted psychic circuits
overload, or lose the way 

between a private vision, 
ruled by anger, ignorance, desire
and knowledge  

that these fragile sacks of blood and pleasures
are as common as a speck of sand on one small beach 

beside a night sky
full of splendor.

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